Archive for December, 2011
Cinnamon Sweet Potato and Apple Bake

I know what I’m bringing to Mom’s for Christmas brunch this year! This cinnamon sweet potato and apple bake turns the humble sweet potato and apple into something a little fancy without any fancy prep work.
Once you pop the cinnamon sweet potato and apple bake in the oven, the smell of cinnamon starts floating through the house. It smells like Christmas.
It’s no secret that I love sweet potatoes. You can read how I freeze sweet potatoes here.
“Eggnog” French Toast

Amazon: Whole Foods Gift Box and Kids Craft Box up to 50% off!

I’m wrapping up some of my Christmas shopping on Amazon (my absolute favorite place to shop) and I thought I’d pass a couple of deals on to my wonderful readers.
Currently, Whole Foods Gift Baskets are up to 50% off. The one picutred above is $24 and contains Organic Quinoa, Organic Sprouted Mung Beans, Organic Sprouted Green Lentils, Bragg Liquid Aminos, Bragg Organic 24 Herbs & Spices Sprinkle Seasoning and 4 recipe cards.
Amazon is also offering 50% Off Select Kids’ Craft Sets by ALEX Toys. My kids received a set like the one pictured above last year and we were very impressed with the quantity and quality of the crafts in the box.
Protein Packed Pancakes, aka Beancakes

“Good and Easy Eats” Winner and Offer

Drum-roll please…and the winner of Good and Easy Eats is…Number 13: Gina Wall! Gina, I’ve forwarded your e-mail address on to Kim and she will contact you soon.
I have good news for the rest you! Good and Easy Eats officially launches today! So, you can get your own copy of the book for a measly $4.99!
Good and Easy Eats includes 70 family-pleasing recipes made exclusively with whole, plant-based natural foods. Which also all happen to be gluten-free, wheat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, soy-free and yeast-free! All of that for just $4.99!
Pick up your own copy of Good and Easy Eats for a measly $4.99 here. If you are not convinced, read my full review of Good and Easy Eats here.
Red Beans, Rice and Andouille Sausage

“This is one of the best meals you have ever made!” proclaimed my husband as the rest of us were guzzling water with tears in our eyes. To be fair, I am a complete wimp when it comes to spicy foods and apparently my kids are too. We were able to finish our plates and I really could taste a complex variety of flavors that I really enjoyed. If you like spicy foods, make this recipe as is. If you are a wimp like me, use a milder sausage and leave out all that pepper.
{Giveaway} Good and Easy Eats

I am thrilled to announce a giveaway for Good and Easy Eats – A Wholesome Collection of Everyday Favorites!
Kim is the author of several cookbooks and runs the blog Simply Natural Health where she shares practical tips and encouragement on wholesome eating and living.
Kim says she has been working with whole foods for 12 years. Since then her husband was cured of Meniere’s disease, was able to get off high blood pressure medication and “accidentally” lost over 100 pounds! You can read their personal story and see some amazing before and after pictures here.
Super Simple Potato Soup

I picked up a bag or two of organic potatoes for $.30 per pound and decided I had to make an allergy-friendly potato soup. It turned out so good that I made it twice in one week! It is super simple and extremely frugal. You can add milk or milk substitute, but I actually like it better without it.