Flax Egg Substitute Recipe

Need to do some baking without eggs?  This recipe works great as an egg substitute when the job of the egg is to bind.  The flax egg will not make your baked goods rise, but it will keep them from crumbling.  I have successfully used this recipe in muffin and granola bar recipes.  If you don’t have flax seed, you might try chia seed egg replacement.

Flax Eggs - Yum!

Ingredients for 1 Eggs:
1 Tbsp ground flax seeds
2-3 Tbsp water

Ingredients for 4 Eggs:
1/4 cup ground flax seeds
3/4 cup water

Ingredients for 8 Eggs:
1/2 cup ground flax seeds
1 1/2 cup water

1. In a small pan, simmer water and flax seeds until it starts to gel.  It takes about 5 minutes for 4 eggs.
2. Let cool.  Store in an air tight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Ground flaxseed oxidizes very quickly.  It is best to purchase whole flaxseeds and grind them yourself.  I use an old coffee grinder to grind mine.  If you grind extra, store in the freezer.

I have found the best place to buy flaxseeds is Amazon.  It is a great item on which to use your swagbucks !

You might also like Which is better: Flaxseed vs Chia Seed?

Amazon: Nature’s Path Organic Hemp Plus Granola Bars $2.38/box

Right now on Amazon you can get Nature’s Path Organic Granola Bars, Hemp Plus, 6-Count Boxes (Pack of 6) for as low as $2.38/box.  According to Amazon, these bars contain soy and are produced in a facility that uses dairy, peanuts, tree nuts.  As always, make sure to check the ingredient list on the box.

Here’s how the deal works:

  • Click the link above and select subscribe and save to save 15%
  • Use promo code NATPATH5 at checkout to save an additional 10%

When you select subscribe and save you not only get a discount but you also get FREE shipping!  If you don’t want to receive the item every 6 months, you can always cancel by simply logging into Amazon.  Then go to “My Account”, click “manage subscribe and save items” and cancel the subscription.

Thanks Saving Naturally!

Want to see more allergy friendly recipes and deals?  Be sure to subscribe to RealFoodAllergyFree.com email updates in the side bar so you don’t miss out on anything new.

Grilled Pantry Pork Chops Recipe

About a year ago, someone gave us a frozen pork loin that was as long as my 4 year old is tall!   I have seriously never seen anything like it.  I said “Thank you!”  and put it in the deep freeze.  And there it sat.  For a year.  With spring in the air, I decided that monster in my basement would make some delicious grilled boneless pork chops.   I defrosted and sliced the meat and divided it into gallon size baggies with marinades.


We grilled some that night but the others we put back in the freezer for later.  Don’t worry, it came straight from the butcher so it can be refrozen.  I love grilling out but I often forget to marinade the meat.  Having the meat already in the marinade and in the freezer is a wonderful solution.  When I defrost the meat it marinates!


Grilled Pantry Pork Chops Recipe


  • 1/4 cup plus 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 3 Tbsp tamari sauce (Soy-free recipes here and here)
  • 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp brown sugar, rapadura or Sucanat
  • 1/4 tsp dried rosemary
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 4 pork chops, about 1 1/4 inches thick each
1. Whisk together the ingredients and pour into a gallon size baggie.
2. Add the pork, seal the bag and mush it around.
3. Marinade for 20 minutes to overnight in the fridge.
4. Bring to room temperature.
5.  Grill on high heat for 3 minutes on each side.
6. Turn the grill down to medium and cook until the juices run clear.


This post is part of Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Monday Mania, Mangia Monday, Make a Food”e” Friend, Weekend Gourmet Blog Carnival, Mouthwatering Monday, Tuesday Night Supper Club, $5 Dinner Challenge, Tip Me Tuesday, Tuesdays at the Table, Delectable Tuesday, Hearth and Soul Hop, Tempt My Tummy Tuesday, Made From Scratch Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays, {TITUS 2}SDAYS, Slightly Induglent Tuesday, Tasty Tuesdays, Domestically Divine, Delicious Dishes, Whatcha Makin’ Wednesdays, What’s Cooking Wednesday, What’s on the Menu, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Real Food Wednesdays, What We’re Eating Wednesday, Made it on Monday, Strut Your Stuff, Frugal Food Thursday, Full Plate Thursday, It’s a Keeper Thursdays, Real Food Weekly, Tip Day Thursday, Thrilling Thursday, Recipe Swap Thursday, Simple Lives Thursday, Food Trip Friday, Friday Potluck, Foodie Friday, Friday Favorites, Show and Tell Friday, Fight Back Friday, Food on Friday, Fat Camp Friday, So Sweet Sunday, Nifty Thrifty Sunday, Seasonal Sunday, Sugar Free Sunday



New Printable Reach Coupon = Four Free Toothbrushes!

Coupons.com has a $2 off 2 Reach Toothbrushes coupon right now.  Reach toothbrushes are on sale for $1 at CVS this week.  Coupons.com allows you to print the coupon twice (just keep hitting the back button).  That means 4 free toothbrushes!  If you go to CVS and they are sold out, ask for a rain check and go back next week.  Or you can take the CVS ad to Wal-Mart and have them price match the toothbrushes.  This is exciting for me.  I like to include toothbrushes in my kids Easter basket.  It makes me feel a little better about all the sugar that is also in the basket.

Other coupons for your Easter basket:


$5.00 OFF Barbie a Fairy Secret
$4.00 OFF Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: Minnie’s Masquerade DVD

Toys and Games:

$5.00 OFF any Vtech Toy ($19.99 or higher)
$4.00 OFF 1 Hasbro MONOPOLY Electronic Banking game
$4.00 OFF 1 Hasbro Electronic SCRABBLE Flash game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro GATOR GOLF game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro SORRY! Sliders game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro BOP IT! Bounce game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro CONNECT 4 game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro BOP IT! game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro CUPONK game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro ELEFUN game
$3.00 OFF 1 Hasbro OPERATION game

And while you’re there check out these grocery coupons:

$1.00 OFF 1 Sara Lee Deli
$1.00 OFF 1 OSCAR MAYER Selects Hot Dogs
$0.55 OFF 1 Ball Park Product
$0.50 OFF 1 can of Diamond Crystal Sea Salt
$0.30 OFF Haribo Product
$1.00 Off Scott Bath Tissue

Nancy’s Green Beans and Sausage


This is the dish I get asked to bring to dinners the most.  Any type of sausage and green beans will work but my favorites are Polish Sausage and Italian Green Beans.  This makes a big pot full!

Nancy’s Green Beans and Sausage


  • 1 pound Polish Sausage
  • 4 bags of frozen Italian Green Beans
  • 3 Tbsp dried Minced Onion
  • Garlic Powder
  • Salt and Pepper


1. Slice the sausage into bite sized pieces

2. In a large pot, brown sausage over medium high heat.  This is the most important step.  You want to have lots of brown stuff stuck to the bottom of the pan.  The sausage should be almost burnt.

3.  While the pan is very hot add 1/2 – 1 cup of cold water.  Scrape all the stuff off the bottom of the pan.  It will lift off easily in the water.

4.  Stir in the green beans.  Sprinkle in the seasonings and mix well.

5.  Cover and cook on medium low until beans are tender.

You may also enjoy Italian Sausage and Summer Squash Skillet and Skillet Meal: Pizza Rice.

This post it part of Real Food Wednesdays, Whatcha Makin’ Wednesdays, Gluten Free Wednesdays, Pennywise Platter Thursday, Full Plate Thursday and Real Food Weekly.

Gratituesday: Her Children Call Her Blessed

My Grandma and Me

Last week I said goodbye to a very special lady.  My Grandma was the epitome of the Proverbs 31 woman.  It is no surprise to me that the minister who spoke at her funeral referenced the chapter several times.  I had already planned to do so in this article.

My Grandma was more precious than rubies (Proverbs 31:10).  “When she speaks, her words are wise, and she gives instructions with kindness” (Proverbs 31:26).  There was no one more kind and gentle than my Grandma.  Well, she was gentle until she passed out her famous “horsey bites” to us grandkids, giggling all the while! 🙂

My Grandma never raised her voice, yet she had a way of calming even the most hyper child.  My brother had a severe case of ADHD. It was so bad that he was “asked to leave” the private school we were enrolled in.  It seemed no one knew how to handle him, except my Grandma.  She would sit down and speak to him in a soft voice.  It was so quiet it was almost whispering.  She’d ask him to sit in her lap.  She would tell him how special he was.  She would tell him how much she loved him.  She would tell him how proud she was of him.  It was like a magic spell.  He would sink into her lap and turn into a sweet loveable child.  It wasn’t just my brother who she made feel special.  Everyone she met felt like they were her favorite. 

My Grandmother was a hard worker (Proverbs 31:17).  Like the Proverbs woman, my Grandma was a gardener and a gifted seamstress.  She would work day and night to help make ends meet.  She never sat idly.  If she sat to watch TV with us she brought her handiwork or peeled and prepped vegetables for her vegetable soup. 

My Grandmother was extremely frugal.  We would try to give her practical gifts such as Tupperware but she would insist we return it.  She felt her recycled cottage cheese containers worked just fine.  The last time she was able to fix my children something to eat she served them mandarin oranges (one of their favorites) in a lid from a Dairy Queen sundae. 

My Grandma was exceptionally generous.  If you complimented something in her house she would wrap it up and send it home with you.  You could not visit her without her trying to feed you.  She was an excellent cook so this was generally appreciated.  A gentleman shared last week that she supported him financially on many mission trips.

I am truly blessed to have had such a virtuous woman in my life.  My Grandmother loved the Lord with all her heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37).  She taught me to pray.  She taught me to be modest.  She taught me a few hymns.  But what I am most grateful for she did not teach with words.  I am most grateful for the example of her life.  Her life was full of the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance (Galatians 5:22).  My Grandmother never preached from a pulpit.  She didn’t travel the world as a missionary.  My Grandmother lived a humble life spreading the love of Christ mostly from her home.  How grateful I am for such an example of God’s love.

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!

Tropical Traditions Free Shipping Today!


Image of Organic Palm Shortening from Tropical Traditions. Certified organic Palm shortening is a healthy subsitute in your favoite bisquit recipes for hydrogenated shortening.


Tropical Traditions carries a variety of  health food products from coconut flour to dog food.  Our two favorite Tropical Traditions products are palm shortening and coconut oil soap.  Palm shortening is our go to unflavored oil.  It is affordable, shelf stable and is safe to cook at high temperatures.  Their coconut oil soap is the only soap we have found that does not irritate Bella’s eczema and keeps my acne under control.  It looks like most of their soap is currently priced at 40% off.  We are blessed to be able to purchase Tropical Traditions products through our co-op.  If you don’t have access to their products locally, today is the day for you to order. Today only, use code 4118 to receive free shipping on ground shipment’s within the lower 48 states.

Easy Pulled Barbecue Chicken in the CrockPot

(No, that is not an allergy-friendly bun!  I forgot to take a picture of Bella’s bunless chicken.)

Last week we said goodbye to my Grandmother.  Lots of people came in town for the service.  I didn’t have a lot of time to cook but wanted to have some real food to eat.  I made super easy barbecue chicken and my signature green beans .  Usually I try to buy free-range, locally raised chicken, but for the sake of cost and convenience I bought a bag of Kroger brand frozen chicken tenderloins.  This recipe is super easy to double and feed a crowd.  In fact, I tripled this recipe for my family.


Easy Pulled Barbecue Chicken


  • 2.5 pound bag of frozen chicken breasts or 3 pound bag of frozen chicken tenderloin
  • 1 bottle of your favorite barbecue sauce


  1. Dump the entire bag of chicken in the crock-pot.
  2. Add a 1/2 inch of water to the bottom of the crock.
  3. Cover and cook on low 8-10 hours.
  4. Drain the chicken and shred with a couple of forks.
  5. Dump the entire bottle of barbecue sauce in with the chicken and mix well.
  6. Turn the crock-pot back on low until heated through or flavors blend.

You might also enjoy Barbecue Potato and Crockpot Beef Stew and Mashed Potatoes.

This post is part of Tempt My Tummy Tuesday and Tuesdays at the Table.

Photo Credit: stu_spivack

Shop at Sam’s Club Free This Weekend!


Try us free - Shop Sam’s Club and SamsClub.com with no upcharge during the Spring Taste of Sam’s Club Open House. Friday, April 15 - Sunday, April 17 - 11 am - 6 pm* Non-Members Welcome


This weekend Sam’s Club is having their Spring Taste of Sam’s Club event.  Shop Sam’s Club and www.samsclub.com with no upcharge Friday, April 15 – Sunday, April 17.  If you sign up for a new membership during this time you can get a free recipe book in store or a free $10 Sam’s gift card online.

Here are a few things I regularly buy from Sam’s:

Hershey®’s Cocoa – 23 oz. canister $6.18
Sue Bee Pure Clover Honey – 5 lbs $10.93
Uncle Luke’s 100% Pure Maple Syrup – 32oz $13.28
Arm & Hammer® Baking Soda – 13.5 lb. bag $5.98
ARGO® Baking Powder – 60oz $5.78
Fleischmann’s® Instant Yeast – 2/16 oz. bags $4.68
Members Mark Bath Tissue, 36 rolls $16.98
Nature’s Delite Premium Basmati Rice – 15 lbs. $11.48
Large Containers of Spices and Seasonings $3 – $5
Dairy products for my dairy loving kids

Mega Swag Bucks Friday!

Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day (MSBD), which means better odds of winning BIG Swag Bucks.  Are you swaggin’ yet?  Swag Bucks is a search engine that gives you points every time you search online.  You redeem your points in their store to buy all kinds of goodies.  My favorite thing to buy is Amazon gift cards.  I find Amazon has the best price on a lot of allergy friendly foods.  When I combine the deal with a free gift card, I get giddy!  Go here to get started today.